Want to start a hearing loop initiative in your community? :
Click for a free on-line webinar here. Don’t forget to turn on the captions!

Useful links to help you loop your community:
For a handout on how to procure a hearing loop for your facility Click here
For a Generic US Hearing Loop Specification Click here
For the national Assistive Listening Device Locator or to suggest a place that could benefit from a loop Click here.
For my blog on hearing aid technology and looping questions Click here.
Read what users say about hearing loops: Click here
For a white paper on hearing loop technology: Click here.
YouTube Video Hearing Loop demonstration: Click here
For a list of hearing loops by state: Click here
Listen to NPR Radio program “All Things Considered”: Click here

Useful links that pertain to Loop Wisconsin:
For a list of places that offer loops in Wisconsin: Click here
For a list of loop vendors in Wisconsin: Click here

My email is jsterkens@hearingloss.org

Welcome to this hearing loop information website

For many users, hearing aids, no matter how new their technology, how well they were fitted and no matter how well they work in quiet and intimate situations, do not provide effective assistance when listening from a distance, both in quiet and in noise. This is not the fault of the technology of the hearing aid – this is due to the physics of sound and often due to the very nature of hearing loss. That is where hearing loops via the telecoils in hearing aids can help.

With the flip of the hearing aid’s telecoil switch, any sound distance between a speaker on a podium and the listener in that auditorium is eliminated, allowing the person to hear with greater clarity than one-on-one conversation in quiet.
    • For hearing aid users: This website is meant to give you the means to hear better with hearing aids you already own. Better hearing than you ever thought possible! Yes, there is hope for most users to hear better in places where sound is broadcast, be it in your TV room, church, in theaters or meeting rooms. I dare say, you may hear better in a loop than the normal hearing person sitting next to you! Read the “Testimonials” of other hearing aid users. If this sounds like it could help you, become an advocate and read more on “How to promote hearing loops”. Email me for up to date information.
    • For audiologists and hearing care providers: I am glad you found this site. Please read the “Information for Audiologists” on the left and feel free to contact me for handouts and materials for use in your office.
  • If you want to make your church, temple or venue more accessible for people with hearing loss – I am happy to help you too. May I suggest you start reading the “Information for Churches or businesses” and “What is New”? If you have questions or would like a reprint of an article do let me know.
Although we no longer offer hearing loop installation services, we are always willing to to answer any questions you may have about hearing loops. We welcome hearing loop testimonials from around the world. With your permission I am happy to post your letters and comments.

I can be reached via email: Dr. Juliette Sterkens

“My daughter is lying on my lap right now. We are watching “Cupcake Wars.” In our “pre-loop” days, she sat apart from us all, about two feet in front of the TV, so that she could hear better. It’s so much better with her on my lap! Thank you for helping to make our world better! “

Our Mission:
To promote awareness and installation of hearing loops in Wisconsin and beyond.

Our Vision:
A world where assistive listening systems are common place.
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